Albert Gorgori
Front End - Web App developer
My passion is to build Web Applications solutions, currently working at Touchless Animal Metrics (TAM) . Living in Barcelona
A Web App to track financial transactions (Dwolla and Plaid)
Boilerplate Vite + React + TypeScript + TailwindCSS
Basic template for React projects
Typescript + Node.js template
Basic template for API REST projects in github
Crash course Zustand
Basic course to understand how to use Zustand as a state management library
Github Profile
My own Github profile, where I will be posting my future projects
I love working on ...
React.Js / Typescript
My main library is React. I usually code it with Typescript.
Tailwind Css
I build the styiling of my applications with Tailwind Css.
Next Js
My main framework in React is NextJs.